Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January 5th, 2009 - GameCube - Phantasy Star Online

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Today I bought a Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 & 2 disc, this game is pretty rare and I got it cheaper, almost like any other used GC game. The disc is in good condition, some minor scratches, but it loads smooth and I played for some hours with it ^-^

I tested the PSOLoad method to run GC-Linux Alpha and it worked!. I had to set the ip address of my machine to static ip and the cube has it's own address, thus they need to be on the same segment
  • PC:
  • GC:
After a little reading on the page, I read the NBD and NFS versions of gcLinux may be edited to request an ip address through dhcp, so my logic pointed me to edit the zImage.dol replacing the following text
  • ip=
with this
  • ip=dhcp
I padded with spaces (to respect the binary size), the booted the image with PSOLoad and... it worked !!!. I'm very exited to see it worked.

In both cases (static and dynamic ip) the gamecube was able to serve the webpage
And I made telnet connections to it (after i read the gclinux page and foud out of user and password)
  • telnet 22

December 31st 2008 - GameCube WiiKey SD Adapter

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Today I got the WiiKey SD Adapter for gamecube, this device allows to connect a SD card to the gamecube memory card port this adapter is used with the SDLoad application to launch DOL executables to the GameCube

The GameCube Linux page has links to DOL files which can be uploaded using the SDLoad+SDAdapter method

I'll edit this post with photos soon

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December 30th 2008 - GameCube Broadband Adapter (GC-BBA)

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Today I received a couple of GameCube Broadband Adapters, they are very rare to obtain (and a little too expensive for a 10/100 Mbps ethernet adapter).

One of them is detected in the gamecube but I'm unable to connect with it. The other works fine

There is a DOL-Loading method called PSOLoad, with this method we send a DOL file to a game called Phantasy Star Online which uses the BBA to play online. As far as I know this is the only "online-playable" game for the GameCube

The BBA also serves to rip games, but I'm not focused in that, since I only play one game (Phantasy Star Online, I hope to get it soon ^-^)

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November 29th 2008 - XenoGC up and running on GameCube

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Today my friend Ricardo soldered the XenoGC chip I bought some days ago.

The chip works great. I have only tested it with a game backup yet, but I intend to use it to boot custom made GNU/Linux miniDVDs

I post below some photos of the chip soldered and the nice lights it has to indicate operation mode.

The guide used to chip soldering

The chip is soldered on cube DVD board, it's final location is here

Red Light = The chip is patching the drive's firmware

Green Light = The chip has done it's job

I'll post some photos later

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